Results for 'Nora Benítez Manjarrés'

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  1. Semblanza de una docente de matemáticas En búsqueda de ambientes creativos para educar con alegría….Nora Benítez Manjarrés - 2013 - Revista Aletheia 5 (2/1).
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  2. Towards an understanding of delusions of misidentification: Four case studies.Nora Breen, Diana Caine, Max Coltheart, Julie Hendy & Corrine Roberts - 2000 - Mind and Language 15 (1):74–110.
    Four detailed cases of delusions of misidentification (DM) are presented: two cases of misidentification of the reflected self, one of reverse intermetamorphosis, and one of reduplicative paramnesia. The cases are discussed in the context of three levels of interpretation: neurological, cognitive and phenomenological. The findings are compared to previous work with DM patients, particularly the work of Ellis and Young (1990; Young, 1998) who found that loss of the normal affective response to familiar faces was a contributing factor in the (...)
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  3. Evidence Enriched.Nora Mills Boyd - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (3):403-421.
    Traditionally, empiricism has relied on the specialness of human observation, yet science is rife with sophisticated instrumentation and techniques. The present article advances a conception of empirical evidence applicable to actual scientific practice. I argue that this conception elucidates how the results of scientific research can be repurposed across diverse epistemic contexts: it helps to make sense of how evidence accumulates across theory change, how different evidence can be amalgamated and used jointly, and how the same evidence can be used (...)
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    Reduce Ourselves to Zero?: Sabina Lovibond, Iris Murdoch, and Feminism.Nora Hämäläinen - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (4):743-759.
    In her book Iris Murdoch, Gender and Philosophy, Sabina Lovibond argues that Iris Murdoch's philosophical and literary work is covertly dedicated to an ideology of female subordination. The most central and interesting aspect of her multifaceted argument concerns Murdoch's focus on the individual person's moral self-scrutiny and transformation of consciousness. Lovibond suggests that this focus is antithetical to the kind of communal and structural criticism of society that has been essential for the advance of feminism. She further reads Murdoch's dismissal (...)
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    Human Self‐Domestication and the Evolution of Pragmatics.Antonio Benítez-Burraco, Francesco Ferretti & Ljiljana Progovac - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (6):e12987.
    As proposed for the emergence of modern languages, we argue that modern uses of languages (pragmatics) also evolved gradually in our species under the effects of human self‐domestication, with three key aspects involved in a complex feedback loop: (a) a reduction in reactive aggression, (b) the sophistication of language structure (with emerging grammars initially facilitating the transition from physical aggression to verbal aggression); and (c) the potentiation of pragmatic principles governing conversation, including, but not limited to, turn‐taking and inferential abilities. (...)
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    The (Co)Evolution of Language and Music Under Human Self-Domestication.Antonio Benítez-Burraco & Aleksey Nikolsky - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (2):229-275.
    Together with language, music is perhaps the most distinctive behavioral trait of the human species. Different hypotheses have been proposed to explain why only humans perform music and how this ability might have evolved in our species. In this paper, we advance a new model of music evolution that builds on the self-domestication view of human evolution, according to which the human phenotype is, at least in part, the outcome of a process similar to domestication in other mammals, triggered by (...)
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    Reading Iris Murdoch’s Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals.Nora Hämäläinen & Gillian Dooley (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals was Iris Murdoch’s major philosophical testament and a highly original and ambitious attempt to talk about our time. Yet in the scholarship on her philosophical work thus far it has often been left in the shade of her earlier work. This volume brings together 16 scholars who offer accessible readings of chapters and themes in the book, connecting them to Murdoch’s larger oeuvre, as well as to central themes in 20th century and contemporary thought. (...)
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    Descriptive ethics: what does moral philosophy know about morality?Nora Hämäläinen - 2016 - New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by Springer Nature.
    This book is an investigation into the descriptive task of moral philosophy. Nora Hämäläinen explores the challenge of providing rich and accurate pictures of the moral conditions, values, virtues, and norms under which people live and have lived, along with relevant knowledge about the human animal and human nature. While modern moral philosophy has focused its energies on normative and metaethical theory, the task of describing, uncovering, and inquiring into moral frameworks and moral practices has mainly been left to (...)
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    El cuadrado medieval de oposición proposicional y modal, Juan Manuel Campos Benítez.Juan M. Campos Benítez - 2007 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 14:79.
    We show a sentence and modal square of opposition and equivalence to be expanded into an hexagon according to oe suggestion from William of Sherwood. This expansión is permittedby two sentence and modal rules.The logical relations of the square allow us to formulate several theorems in order to show a glimpse of the Medieval Logic complexity.
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    Globularization and Domestication.Antonio Benítez-Burraco, Constantina Theofanopoulou & Cedric Boeckx - 2018 - Topoi 37 (2):265-278.
    This paper aims to explore a potential connection between two hypotheses recently put forward in the context of language evolution. One hypothesis argues that some human-specific change in the hominin brain developmental program habilitated the neuronal workspace that enabled “cognitive modernity” to unfold, also resulting in our globularized braincase. The other argues that the cultural niche resulting from our self-domestication favored the emergence of natural languages. In this article we document numerous links between the genetic changes we have claimed may (...)
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    Attending to Animals and Animal Attention.Nora Ward - 2024 - Journal of Animal Ethics 14 (2):170-185.
    This article considers the moral significance of paying attention to animals. In particular, it highlights the potential of environmental attentiveness to disclose animal reality beyond anthropocentric modes of perception. Yet, a possible danger associated with highlighting attention-as-revelation is that human attention becomes centered as the primary mechanism for acquiring normative truths, and there is a consequent ambiguity relating to the role of the attended-to-other. To mitigate this, the article argues that shifting to animal attention may help to conceive of, and (...)
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    Nurses’ self-assessed moral courage and related socio-demographic factors.Nora Hauhio, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Jouko Katajisto & Olivia Numminen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1402-1415.
    Background: Nurses need moral courage to ensure ethically good care. Moral courage is an individual characteristic and therefore it is relevant to examine its association with nurses’ socio-demographic factors. Objective: To describe nurses’ self-assessed level of moral courage and its association with their socio-demographic factors. Research design: Quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study. The data were collected with Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale and analyzed statistically. Participants and research context: A total of 482 registered nurses from a major university hospital in Southern Finland (...)
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  13. Epistemic Exploitation.Nora Berenstain - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3:569-590.
    Epistemic exploitation occurs when privileged persons compel marginalized persons to educate them about the nature of their oppression. I argue that epistemic exploitation is marked by unrecognized, uncompensated, emotionally taxing, coerced epistemic labor. The coercive and exploitative aspects of the phenomenon are exemplified by the unpaid nature of the educational labor and its associated opportunity costs, the double bind that marginalized persons must navigate when faced with the demand to educate, and the need for additional labor created by the default (...)
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  14. The Good or The Demiurge: Causation and the Unity of Good in Plato.Eugenio E. Benitez - 1995 - Apeiron 28 (2):113 - 140.
    In Republic VI 508e-9b Plato has Socrates claim that the Good is the cause (αίτίαν) of truth and knowledge as well as the very being of the Forms. Consequently, as causes must be distinct from and superior to their effects, the Good is neither truth nor knowledge nor even being, but exceeds them all in beauty (509a), as well as in honour and power (509b). No other passage in Plato has had a more intoxicating effect on its readers. To take (...)
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    Fosterdiagnostikk mellom medisin og etikk: Implementering av NIPT–testen i et urolig politikkområde.Nora Levold, Marit Svingen & Ingrid Bruholt - 2021 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:5-24.
    Artikkelen undersøker hvordan NIPT ble vedtatt implementert i det norske fosterdiagnostiske systemet gjennom en fagligpolitisk prosess mellom 2012 og 2017. Prosessen innebar at Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten, Helsedirektoratet, Bioteknologirådet og Helse- og Omsorgsdepartementet ga sine vurderinger av testen og sine råd omkring en eventuell innføring. Artikkelen viser at det i denne prosessen foregikk en forsiktig tilnærming eller sammensmelting mellom de tradisjonelt helt ulike måtene å forstå og å ramme inn fosterdiagnostikk på i Norge, dvs. i en ‘autonomi/ behandlingsramme’ og en (...)
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    Zwei bisher unbeachtete Fragmente aus Leibniz’ fürstlicher Korrespondenz.Nora Gädeke - 2023 - Studia Leibnitiana 55 (1-2):226-239.
  17.  22
    Género y nacionalismo en la educación paraguaya: las mujeres en la historiografía escolar de la Guerra de la Triple Alianza.Carolina Alegre Benítez & Antonio Tudela Sancho - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (3):221-241.
    Este trabajo explora las representaciones de las mujeres en una selección de manuales escolares empleados en las escuelas paraguayas durante el período 1989-2020, con el objetivo de analizar el papel histórico atribuido a las mujeres en los relatos escolares acerca de la Guerra de la Triple Alianza. Se sostiene que a pesar del proceso de revisión del currículo escolar y la política educativa iniciado con la transición democrática en 1989 persisten las representaciones hegemónicas de las mujeres ligadas al nacionalismo, afianzando (...)
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  18. Dos nociones históricas de la libertad.Francisco Carpintero Benítez - 2004 - Philosophica 27:67-107.
    El presente artículo analiza dos concepciones de la libertad, la que tiene su origen en el realismo aristotélico-tomista, y la que surge a partir de planteamientos nominalistas. Para Tomás de Aquino la naturaleza no procede al modo del arte, que proporciona reglas concretas para el comportamiento, sino que únicamente nos da algo así como unos primeros principios; resulta un ser humano ante todo responsable, porque ha de dar razón de lo que hace en vistas a su fin último. Los nominalistas, (...)
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    Evolutionary linguistics can help refine (and test) hypotheses about how music might have evolved.Antonio Benítez-Burraco - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Both the music and social bonding hypothesis and the music as a credible signal hypothesis emerge as solid views of how human music and human musicality might have evolved. Nonetheless, both views could be improved with the consideration of the way in which human language might have evolved under the effects of our self-domestication.
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    The Distorted Face of Desire: Aesthetics and Emotion in Seneca's Tragedies.Rick Benitez - 2010 - In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities.
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    The pan-european approach in the fight against corruption: The council of europe.Raael A. Benitez - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (3):269-280.
    This paper addresses the work of the Council of Europe in the fight against corruption. It presents briefly the Council of Europe’s organisation, activities and priorities and goes on to introduce its work in the fight against corruption. Activities in this field are carried out by the Multidisciplinary Group on Corruption (GMC) which is made up of governmental representatives of the forty Member States of the Organisation and in accordance with a Plan of Action against Corruption. Following work by the (...)
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  22. Utopia and prophetism.Roberto Sánchez Benitez - 2024 - In Martínez Vásquez, Luis Arturo, Randall Carrera Umaña, Díaz Cepeda & Luis Rubén (eds.), The liberating philosophy of Ignacio Ellacuría: historical reality, humanism, and praxis. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  23. Un Dioscórides sin texto. El manuscrito Vat. Chigi 53 (F. VII 159): el manuscrito Vat. Chigi 53 (F. VII 159).Miguel Angel González Manjarrés - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    De Leibniz a la arquitectura.Maritza Granados Manjarrés - 2016 - Aisthesis 60:53-67.
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    Otras masculinidades posibles: Hacia una humanidad diferente y diferenciada.Octavio Salazar Benítez - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 12 (12):87-112.
    La igualdad entre hombres y mujeres no será plena mientras que no transformemos el orden patriarcal que sigue sustentando una diferenciación jerárquica entre unos y otras. Ello pasa por revisar la masculinidad tradicional y la racionalidad construida a imagen y semejanza del varón. Un reto que supone a su vez transformar las relaciones entre lo público y lo privado, así como las bases del conocimiento y de una concepción de lo humano basada en los privilegios masculinos y en la negación (...)
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  26. Intencionalidad e inactualidad en la fenomenología.Roberto Sánchez Benítez - 2003 - Ludus Vitalis 11 (19):53-62.
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  27. Representacionalismo y qualia.Nora Stigol - 2001 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 20 (3):31-38.
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    Dark Room: Aquí. Un ritual de oscuridad y silencio.María Elvira Díaz-Benítez - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:337-368.
    Traducción del artículo de María Elvira Díaz-Benítez, “Dark Room aqui: um ritual de escuridão e silêncio”, publicado originalmente por la Revista Cadernos De Campo, 16, 93-112 en el año 2007. La traducción al español es de su autora.
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  29. Forms in Plato's „Philebus”.E. E. Benitez - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 53 (1):134-135.
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    Between reality and non-reality.Nora Lefa - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (3):337-347.
    Virtual reality is all too often considered as antithetical to reality, the former being an entity fully separated from the latter. Since there has been historically no consensus among philosophers as to what constitutes reality, this article seeks to contribute to the debate on i crucial issue. It argues that reality should be considered as including non-tangible properties and that, from the first-person point of view, virtual reality is part of the reality of each and every one of us. Furthermore, (...)
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    Argument, Rhetoric, and Philosophic Method: Plato's "Protagoras".Eugenio Benitez - 1992 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 25 (3):222 - 252.
    The greatest rhetorical display (έπιδείξις) of Plato's Protagoras is apparently not Protagoras's famous myth cum démonstration1 about the teachability of excellence (αρετή),2 but rather the dia logue as a whole. The Protagoras exposes key différences between the methods and presuppositions of Socrates and those of the Sophists - thus defending Socrates against the charge of being a Sophist himself - and in so doing clarifies the conditions and princi ples of ethical argumentation.3 The display of the Protagoras oc curs on (...)
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  32.  79
    Philosophy as Performed in Plato's "Theaetetus".Eugenio Benitez & Livia Guimaraes - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (2):297 - 328.
    We examine the "Theaetetus" in the light of its juxtaposition of philosophical, mathematical and sophistical approaches to knowledge, which we show to be a prominent feature of the drama. We suggest that clarifying the nature of philosophy supersedes the question of knowledge as the main ambition of the "Theaetetus". Socrates shows Theaetetus that philosophy is not a demonstrative science, like geometry, but it is also not mere word-play, like sophistry. The nature of philosophy is revealed in Socrates' activity of examination (...)
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    Age effects and gaze patterns in recognising emotional expressions: An in-depth look at gaze measures and covariates.Nora A. Murphy & Derek M. Isaacowitz - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (3):436-452.
  34.  76
    On the pursuitworthiness of qualitative methods in empirical philosophy of science.Nora Hangel & Christopher ChoGlueck - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 98 (C):29-39.
    While the pursuitworthiness of philosophical ideas has changed over time, philosophical practice and methodology have not kept pace. The worthiness of a philosophical pursuit includes not only the ideas and objectives one pursues but also the methods with which one pursues them. In this paper, we articulate how empirical approaches benefit philosophy of science, particularly advocating for the use of qualitative methods for understanding the social and normative aspects of scientific inquiry. After situating qualitative methods within empirical philosophy of science, (...)
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    (Re)interpreting E=mc².Federico Benitez, Diego Romero-Maltrana & Pablo Razeto-Barry - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-19.
    We propose a new interpretation of the equation E=mc² in special relativity by generalizing ideas of ontological emergence to fundamental physics. This allows us to propose that mass, as a property, can be considered to emerge from energy, using a well-known definition of weak ontological emergence. Einstein’s famous equation gains in this way a clearer philosophical interpretation, one that avoids the problems of previous attempts, and is fully consistent with the kinematic properties of special relativity, while yielding fresh insights concerning (...)
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    The Ethics of ‘Deathbots’.Nora Freya Lindemann - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (6):1-15.
    Recent developments in AI programming allow for new applications: individualized chatbots which mimic the speaking and writing behaviour of one specific living or dead person. ‘Deathbots’, chatbots of the dead, have already been implemented and are currently under development by the first start-up companies. Thus, it is an urgent issue to consider the ethical implications of deathbots. While previous ethical theories of deathbots have always been based on considerations of the dignity of the deceased, I propose to shift the focus (...)
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    Building a Cognitive Science of Human Variation: Individual Differences in Spatial Navigation.Nora S. Newcombe, Mary Hegarty & David Uttal - 2023 - Topics in Cognitive Science 15 (1):6-14.
    This issue assesses how human spatial navigation differs: within individuals across short‐term variations in mood or stress, and between individuals across variations in age, gender, education, culture, and physical environment.
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  38. Epistemic Oppression, Resistance, and Resurgence.Nora Berenstain, Kristie Dotson, Julieta Paredes, Elena Ruíz & Noenoe K. Silva - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (2):283-314.
    Epistemologies have power. They have the power not only to transform worlds, but to create them. And the worlds that they create can be better or worse. For many people, the worlds they create are predictably and reliably deadly. Epistemologies can turn sacred land into ‘resources’ to be bought, sold, exploited, and exhausted. They can turn people into ‘labor’ in much the same way. They can not only disappear acts of violence but render them unnamable and unrecognizable within their conceptual (...)
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    Scientists’ Conceptions of Good Research Practice.Nora Hangel & Jutta Schickore - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (6):766-791.
    In a recent editorial published in Nature, the journal's editors comment on a new automated software that has been used to check findings in psychology publications. The editors express concern with the way in which the anonymous fact-checkers have proceeded, but at the same time, they underscore the crucial role of peer criticism for scientific progress and insist: "self-correction is at the heart of science." Brief as it is, the editorial showcases that peer criticism and the application of norms of (...)
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    Sound Matters: Essays on the Acoustics of Modern German Culture.Nora M. Alter & Lutz Peter Koepnick (eds.) - 2004 - Berghahn Books.
    ... composed by Herms Niel as a Durchhaltefanfare, a fanfare of perseverance, for the German troops that had been surrounded on the Crimea peninsula by ...
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    Benoit de Maillet et l'origine de la vie dans la mer: conjecture amusante ou hypothèse scientifique?Miguel Benitez - 1984 - Revue de Synthèse 105 (113-114):37-54.
    The doctrine that all living beings originate from the sea, upheld in the Telliamed, is based on the scientific knowledges of the early 18th century. Maillet also assimilates the errores of the sciences. On the other hand, Maillet uses unreliable stories and testimonies to support his theory, but he applies the rules of a strict criticism to them. The spirit of the author of Telliamed also shows him to be a man of his time : a great many highly estimed (...)
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    Ese quimérico museo de formas inconstantes.Rubén Benítez Florido - 2020 - Laguna 47:113-124.
    This article analyzes the meaning and philosophical scope of «Funes el memorioso», a short story by J.L.Borges. «Funes el memorioso» participates in the productive symbiosis between literature and philosophy, a characteristic which is evident in most of Borges’ work and which has taken Borge’s creations to the summit of Western culture. Furthermore, by reading «Funes el memorioso» we can draw connections between the work of J.L.Borges and some of the most important authors in the History of Philosophy. We try to (...)
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  43. Edward Slowick: Cartesian Spacetime: Descartes' Physics and the Relational Theory of Space and Motion.Laura Benitez - 2004 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (1):182-185.
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    Editorial: The Adaptive Value of Languages: Non-linguistic Causes of Language Diversity.Antonio Benítez-Burraco & Steven Moran - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Materia actuosa: antiquité, age classique, Lumières : mélanges en l'honneur d'Olivier Bloch.Miguel Benítez & Olivier Bloch - 2000 - Honoré Champion.
    Olivier Bloch travaille sur l'histoire de la philosophie, et plus particulièrement sur l'histoire des doctrines, courants et traditions matérialistes, dans le domaine de la philosophie antique et dans celui de la philosophie de l'âge classique (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles), en particulier en France (Descartes, Gassendi et ses disciples, les philosophes matérialistes du XVIIIe siècle), et en Grande-Bretagne (Hobbes). Depuis le début des années 80, ses recherches portent principalement sur les traditions libertines et clandestines de l'âge classique et leur prolongement dans (...)
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    Meditaciones acerca de la filosofía primera seguidas de objeciones y respuestas.Laura Benítez - 2011 - Dianoia 56 (66):217-221.
    En esta nota crítica (i) se hace una breve descripción de cada uno de los artículos que componen Orayen: de la forma lógica al significado, (ii) se señalan algunas cuestiones que no están claras en ellos o en las réplicas de Orayen y, (iii) en la medida de lo posible, se indica si los autores desarrollan ulteriormente los problemas abordados en sus artículos. The aim of this critical note is threefold: (i) it briefly describes and comments on each of the (...)
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    "Republic" 476d6-E2: Plato's Dialectical Requirement.Eugenio Benitez - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (3):515 - 546.
    JL his paper calls into question a conventional way of reading the passage concerning knowledge and belief at the end of book 5 of Plato's Republic. On the conventional reading, Plato is committed to arguing on grounds that his philosophical opponents would accept, but this view fails to appreciate the rhetorical context in which the passage is situated. Indeed, it is not usually recognized or considered important that the passage has a rhetorical context at all. Philoso phers typically reduce the (...)
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    Medieval Octagons and the Disparatae Sentences.Juan Manuel Campos Benítez - 2018 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 25:143-155.
    In this paper the medieval octagons of opposition and equivalence are described and analized. One of them, the octagon for quantified predicates, is the simplest one and offers the pattern for the other two, the octagon for predicate with modal qualification and the octagon for quantified genitive and nominative sentences. Thus, the first is the princeps analogum for the other two, whose structure is more complex. Then we describe an internal square inside the octagon, the square of the so-called disparatae (...)
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    On Literal Translation: Robert Browning and the Aeschylus' Agamemnon.Eugenio Benitez - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):259-268.
    May I be permitted to chat a little, by way of recreation, at the end of a somewhat toilsome and perhaps fruitless adventure?”1 So begins the introduction to Robert Browning’s “transcription,” as he entitles it, of Aeschylus’s Agamemnon, in which the principles of literal translation are discussed and defended.2 As one who has recently been on the same adventure as Robert Browning, I wonder whether it is not salutary to review his arguments, for I have come to believe firmly that (...)
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    Teacher and Peer Responses to Warning Behavior in 11 School Shooting Cases in Germany.Nora Fiedler, Friederike Sommer, Vincenz Leuschner, Nadine Ahlig, Kristin Göbel & Herbert Scheithauer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:521719.
    Warning behaviour prior to an act of severe targeted school violence was often not recognized by peers and school staff. With regard to preventive efforts, we attempted to identify barriers to information exchange in German schools, and understand mechanisms that influenced the recognition, evaluation, and reporting of warning behaviour through a teacher or peer. Our analysis is based on inquiry files from eleven cases of German school shootings that were obtained during the three-year research project “Incident and case analysis of (...)
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